I vividly remember the lot of red strikes and round clear red circles I got as a school boy in my notebooks.The math teacher,being particularly zealous when it came to correction,used to circumscribe my calculations with particularly large ovals which started from one end of the page,encompassing all,ending with a flourish cutting the start of the oval forming a decent sized noose.In fact,I beleive,so much was her zest for redding my notebook that the circles included for a majority of times,elementary calculations that were without doubt correct.Even if I ever ,in regard of the matronly figure,forgave her on that account,she would definetely need to apologize to me someday on taking away my power of assumption or rather redding it.It was because of those overbearingly large red circles that I doubted my statements like "Let x=no. of mangoes that Ramu has". :P At that time most of my englih teachers had about the same habit.It was as if any 250 word piece of witing would look good only if the blue mass of words was suitably punctuated with a lot of red.
The first time I met Microsoft word,I was reminded of them again,after a very long time.You see,they have the same highly disconcerting habit of redding stuff.While it is most helpful,if you put that indicative curvy red line below "words" like benaeth or curwy,My dear Bill Gates,you still have to apologize to mankind on how your deplorable software decided to red proper nouns?? Now,I sit writing references to my report with Sankalp on The Word.Fine if you think Haykins(a no unordinary author let me assure you) should be spelt Haskin or Harkin or Hakim or Haying but it is agonizing when I enter my name for a change and find that according to Word Aditya is wrong and it should instead be spelt,Abita,Anita or Dainty????
Anyway the name stuck.I am called Dainty nowadays.(rolls eyes..hmph) but not before I turned tables on my dear friend Sankalp by redding his name too in Word.Out of Sank Alp,Sandal and Sanyal,wicked me chose to call him Sandal.:P It was a pity,we mused later,that Bill Gates didnt know Hindi because the closest hindi expletive that came close to ShivRam's redded castration by WOrd, Hiram, is harami. :)It also turns out,we joked about later,that Gates might have been afraid of our professor because Word hardly touched his name.The maximum it did was to sugeest meekly to try putting a space between the name,which was not taken anyway.
Discliamer: Word or no word,nuffink cann correct da speeling mishtakes here on this paage.Screw red.
Hmmm... your teachers were a little too liberal with the red pen ... nice post ..
MS Word ? I really get irritated with MS Word sometimes .. it tries to be too helpful sometimes ...
Good to have you back!
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